Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Divorce or Separation - Collaboration vs Litigation

Who controls the process
You and your spouse control the process and make final decisions
Judge controls the process and makes final decisions
Degree of Adversity
You and your spouse pledge mutual respect and openness.   You agree not to fight
Court process is based on an adversarial system
Costs are manageable, usually less expensive than litigation; team model is financially efficient in use of experts
Costs are unpredictable and can escalate rapidly including frequency of post-judgement litigation
You and your spouse create the timetable
Judge sets the timetable; often delays given crowded court.  Can be delays in receiving judgment even after your case is tried
Use of Outside Experts
Jointly retained specialists provide information and guidance helping you and your spouse develop informed, mutually beneficial solutions, based on what is best for your family
Separate experts are hired to support the litigants’ positions, often at great expense to each
Involvement of Lawyers
Your lawyers work toward a mutually created settlement
Lawyers fight to win, but someone loses
The process, discussion and negotiation details are kept private
Dispute becomes a matter of public record and, sometimes, media attention.  Even if names are removed sometimes it can be easy to tell who it is because of the facts of the case
Facilitation of Communication
Team of Collaborative Practice specialists educate and assist you and your spouse on how to effectively communicate with each other
No process designed to facilitate communication
Voluntary vs Mandatory
Mandatory if no agreement
Lines of Communication
You and your spouse communicate directly with the assistance of members of your team
You and your spouse negotiate through your lawyers
Court Involvement
Outside court
Court based

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